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Thy Kingdom Come

Writer's picture: Tamah BryantTamah Bryant

Updated: Oct 12, 2024

It is so easy for us to set our eyes on this “kingdom” that we are creating here on earth, as we set up our palaces and put our subjects in their places.  We want everything beautiful and “just right”  But what happens when things don’t turn out the way we ordered them to be?  It is easy to become frustrated and discouraged as we try our hardest to control the situation we find ourselves in.  

I have found myself in this situation so many times as I set my affections on things of this world.  I have an idea of how my kingdom should look and how God should be working in not only my life, but the lives of the people around me.  I find myself going to God with an attitude of “not Thy will, but mine be done.”  As I spout out my petitions of, “Do this in my life.” and, “Do that in their lives.”  When I don’t see God surrendering to my demands I start to doubt His goodness because after all I have pretty good ideas and super great intentions. Right?  Why wouldn’t He do what I have asked Him to do? They are all good things, godly things, even.  

Lately, I have had an attitude of “Expect God to do great things.” mentality.  Which, to an extent we should-He is a great God and He does great things.  But sadly, I have been the one setting the “expectations” of what He should do.  “This is what I am asking you to do and this is what I expect you to do.”  And then He doesn’t do it…Because I am not the boss.  God has been convicting me to humble myself and, instead, “Accept” the great things that God is already doing.

When I am focussed on what God isn’t doing, I end up missing what God is doing.  I miss seeing the amazing ways God has worked in my life and in the lives of the people around me.  

I often want to go on a road trip with God to my kingdom and I want to set the destination and all the stops along the way.  I want to tell God the route we need to take and when we need to pull over and rest and what attractions we should see along the way. 

But when we are in Christ-we do not get to be in the driver's seat, nor do we get to be Siri.  If the Bible is true and God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow-God will take me on a route that makes no earthly sense and it will be filled with rocks and twisted roads with cliffs on both sides. 

Blank slate…That is What God has been laying on my heart.  “Stop coming to me with what and how you expect me to work.”  Just be “content in whatever state you are in.” and come to me with a “Nevertheless, not MY will but YOUR will be done” attitude.  

Coming to God with my hands empty, but open has worked a feeling of contentment in my heart.  Not complacency because I still want to see God work in my life.  But an understanding that God knows where He is taking me and He knows how to keep me and my family safe, and He is already doing things that has amazed me.  He has called me to love Him and to love others.  To walk closely with Him by spending time in His Word and in prayer.  To seek HIS Kingdom first and HIS righteousness, then whatever else He wants to add to my life-He will in His way and His timing, but not to miss the beautiful things He has already added to my life.

God is working in my waiting and He is not in a hurry like I am.  I can trust Him because He is good and has always been good

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Apr 06, 2023

super duper


Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

Hebrews 10:38

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