In Luke 8, we find Jesus leading the disciples TOWARD the storm. The disciples did not know there would be a storm, but Jesus sure knew! The storm did not worry Jesus one bit, why would it? He knew that His power would dominate the storm's power. So what did He do? He rested.
The disciples, however, had not quite reached the point where they understood the depths of the power of this Man they had recently begun to follow, so when the storm arrived and it seemed as if Jesus did not care, they were terrified.
Jesus had a purpose for the storm He brought the disciples through that night. If the disciples had not experienced the storm, they would not have experienced the power that Jesus held over it. The howling wind, pelting rain, and towering waves allowed their faith and trust in this Man, who was truly their Messiah, to grow. They experienced Jesus in the middle of the storm and their relationship with Him was all the sweeter.
No shortage of storms pass over the weather forecast of our lives. Sometimes, as soon as we have repaired the damage of the last storm we survived and are enjoying the gentle breeze and the warm sun we begin to see the onset of the next storm on the horizon.
But isn’t that what Jesus promised when He said we would have tribulation in this world? This world was not meant to be our permanent dwelling place with unlimited comforts and joy forever more. The storms and tumult of this world cause us to long for heaven.
With the absence of storms and tribulations comes the absence of our need to cry out to Jesus. To see the power of His hand working in the middle of our distress. To turn bad situations into good for those who are called and love Him.
Sitting on a chair on the beach is not what makes us strong. Giving our minds a break from the chaos may occasionally be necessary, but too much rest causes us to become complacent and lazy!
Jesus calls us to get on the boat and go to the other side with Him. To toil in the storm. To remain faithful and resolved in the mission for which Christ has sent us. As we weather the storm and experience the power of God turning a destructive force into something beautiful in our lives, our faith is strengthened. Sometimes He calls us TO the storm, but He never leaves us alone in the storm. Even when He is resting, He is still present.
