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  • Writer's pictureStan Stringer

(Part 8) I Long After You By: Stan Stringer

Updated: May 2, 2020

We long after someone from whom we’re separated. Sometimes, it is miles that separate us, sometimes it is hours or days—even years. Sometimes we long after someone that we see almost every day, but there is a mental or spiritual separation between us.

Paul was imprisoned in Rome. Philippi was many miles away. Paul longed to see them. Through this letter to the believers at Philippi, we can learn some reasons for this longing:

[1] Their ‘fellowship in the Gospel' had long been an encouragement to Paul.

[2] They needed instruction that they may ‘approve things that are excellent’.

[3] They were being ‘terrified’ by their adversaries.

[4] They were in a state of ‘conflict’ because of their stand for Christ.

[5] There were evil workers around them, posing to be religious, even Christians.

[6] Two ladies in the church were causing serious divisions.

[7] Many in the church had in the past, and now in the present, continued to be fellow-laborers with Paul.

You may be longing for someone today. There may be some kind of separation between you and someone else, and your heart longs for the closeness that you once had. It is good, in such a case, to take this longing to the Lord in prayer, and then to cultivate a closeness with willing believers that are near at hand. Don’t let this longing turn you into a hermit, or bring you into depression. Remember, no one is far from God. The same God Who is close to you is also close to that one for whom you are longing.

For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ.

Philippians 1:8

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