Paul’s first request for the believers at Philippi was for them to continually grow in their love for one another. An old cliché says, ‘Familiarity breeds contempt’. In other words, the more we know someone, the less we like them. It is wonderful that the very One Who knows us the best, also loves us the most.
If we would be like Christ, we would be transparent before one another. We would humbly present ourselves to one another as ‘works in progress’. And, we would realize that God Who is still working in our lives, is also still working in others’ lives. We would ‘esteem others better than ourselves’. When we see where God has brought us from, and where He is taking us to, and have great confidence that He is capable to do wonderful things in us, we can look at others with excitement, anticipation, and gratitude for what our wonderful Savior is doing in their lives.
KNOWLEDGE—to get to know others intimately, and to open our lives before them so that they can know us. To be vulnerable. To love unconditionally. To not become callous, or protect ourselves from the hurts that others may give. To love others even when we know our love will not be returned. To know that we cannot control another person’s life, that we cannot order them to love us. But, we can—by God’s grace—control our own life, and our determined decision is to let Jesus love others through us, regardless of whether they love us. This is the example of Calvary.
How necessary it is for all of us in Faith Baptist Church to know the others with whom we are worshiping, and to love them. No criticizing or finding fault, no cliques that exclude certain people, but to genuinely love others whom Christ loves with abundant love.
“He drew a circle that shut me out-
Heretic , rebel, a thing to flout. But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle and took him In !
From the poem " Outwitted” ― Edwin Markham
And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; Philippians 1:9