If with God one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day, then to God it was truly just like a couple days ago His Son was led up the hill and nailed to the cross. Just a moment in time ago he wore the crown, He took the beating, He experienced the His beard being pulled out of his face, and He received the nails through His hands and feet. His precious blood was spilt. A sacrifice of love. A gift of grace. He was shown no mercy while He hung on the cross, He was mocked and ridiculed.
The humility it took to stay. The strength it took to stay.
He saw what nobody else could see-a legion of angels just waiting for one single sign from the Son of God to completely obliterate anyone who would speak or stand against the Savior. But He also knew if He cried out to that legion, something else would be destroyed. Something that would allow this angry mob access to a direct line with God, this very mob who desired the death of the Savior would have access to eternal life with the Savior. He could have cried out, "Take me off the cross! Kill my accusers!" Instead, he cried, "Father, forgive them. -they don't know what they are doing." Such love, mercy and grace in that statement. Makes me wonder how many times Jesus has interceded for me when I unknowingly in my pride acted the fool.
As darkness fell over the earth, Jesus gave up the ghost and the ground shook. Was that the first labor pain? The first longing of God's creation for the return of the Savior?
The death of Jesus. A gruesome event correlates with the veil in the temple being ripped in two-a glorious event. No more was the priest needed. We could now have direct access to God through Jesus Christ. No more ritualistic third-party sacrifices required, the ultimate sacrifice had been given. The precious Lamb of glory had just shed His perfect blood. In that agonizing and holy moment on the cross, Jesus not only paved the way to set us free from the burden of sins but also the rituals of religion.
All those years ago, Satan, in his limited power and knowledge, thought he had defeated Christ on the cross, but he had really been used as a key instrument to set free the greatest gift the world had ever seen--grace. Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.
Satan intended evil that day, God intended good. God won. Satan lost. Satan produced death; God brought forth life.
Because Jesus died, I have forgiveness. Because He rose again, I have eternal life with my Savior, my Friend Who sticks closer than a brother, Who will never leave nor forsake me. Whose steadfast love surrounds me. Two thousand years ago-my eternal fate was sealed...
At the cross.
If with God one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day, then to God it was truly just like a couple days ago His Son was led up the hill and nailed to the cross. Just a moment in time ago he wore the crown, He took the beating, He experienced the His beard being pulled out of his face, and He received the nails through His hands and feet. His precious blood was spilt. A sacrifice of love. A gift of grace. He was shown no mercy while He hung on the cross He was mocked and ridiculed. The humility it took to stay. The strength it took to stay. He saw what nobody else could see-a legion of angels just waiting for one single sign from the Son of God to completely obliterate anyone who would speak or stand against the Savior. But He also knew if He cried out to that legion, something else would be destroyed. Something that would allow this angry mob access to a direct line with God, this very mob who desired the death of the Savior would have access to eternal life with the Savior. He could have cried out, "Take me off the cross! Kill my accusers!" Instead he cried, "Father, forgive them.-they don't know what they are doing." Such love, mercy and grace in that statement. Makes me wonder how many times Jesus has interceded for me when I unknowingly in my pride acted the fool.